Personal Project
AICS 2020 Personal Project: Arwen Koenig
Process planning
My research question was “Can I make an understandable archery instructional video for someone who’s never played archery before?” I used what resources I had, already owning most things I needed such as a bow and a recording device. Some obstacles I ran into were not being able to get to an actual range to fire due to covid shutting a lot of things down, and having to do a lot of demonstrations without the actual action. I didn't have to make too many changes but things were adjusted.
Motivation/personal interest
I chose this area because it is something I already know and something I didn't know. I know about archery and teaching it to beginners, but I didn't know anything about creating videos and editing. Previous experience with teaching archery to others happens at camps where I teach it to small kids or to just individuals who haven't ever before. This was just turning it into a video I could even possibly use for just that again later.
Process taking action
The first actions I took were going through, in detail, the steps of firing a bow, down to little details that could help or mess you up. Going through bow and arrow anatomy so when I was talking some of the words I was using would be understood. Talking about safety. I didn't get everything in that I wanted but this was something new for me.